Welcome to Parth Hospital
There are a number of people suffering from gastrointestinal problems in today's society. In fact, more so than in any other culture one may notice. This is in part due to the diets today as well as the lack of healthy fitness routines. As descriptive as this may be, what we put in must come out but in some regards, our systems may not be able to effectively digest certain nutrients of what is going in.
However, if you are suffering severe symptoms it is always best to consult. A self-evaluation of what you are eating can lead to finding the root of the problem. Certain foods are harsher on digestion than others and when paired with an already malfunctioning system, these can lead to pain, discomfort, diarrhea or the opposite. Dairy and meat are two of the biggest groups that can cause people problems. More specifically in terms of meat, it is the nutrients within the food that is given the animals that cause digestion to react negatively.

For example, some people have adverse or allergic reactions to the vitamins in the manufactured feed that is given to beef cattle. If this method produces no results then consult your physician. There may be an underlying condition that warrants treatment with medications.
However, if you are suffering severe symptoms it is always best to consult. A self-evaluation of what you are eating can lead to finding the root of the problem. Certain foods are harsher on digestion than others and when paired with an already malfunctioning system, these can lead to pain, discomfort, diarrhea or the opposite. Dairy and meat are two of the biggest groups that can cause people problems. More specifically in terms of meat, it is the nutrients within the food that is given the animals that cause digestion to react negatively.
Hospital Infrastructure at a Glance:
- One Suit Room and Super Deluxe Room No of Beds : 20
- No of Rooms : 9 A/C special rooms 2 Semi-special rooms 2 General wards
- Operation Theaters : Fully equipped Major Operation Theatre of size 15ft x15ft Minor Theatre for day care and dressing of size 10ft x 12ft
- Surgical facilities : Full set of Laparoscopic Instruments of German make IITV, X-ray machine, Boyle’s Apparatus, Cardiac monitor
- Other Infrastructure : 24 Hour staff Back-up generator set in case of power failures Water Cooler Water Purifier Air Cooler Two spacious common rooms with T.V. Large Parking space